Thursday, July 31, 2014

Facebook App Brings Free Internet To Zambia

While more than 85% of people around the world live in areas with cellular coverage, only 30% actually access the Internet. Social networking giant Facebook -- along with CEO Mark Zuckerberg's project -- announced a new app Thursday that aims to close that accessibility gap. The app, available first to Airtel subscribers in Zambia, gives users free access to 13 websites including AccuWeather; Google Search; Go Zambia Jobs; Wikipedia; WRAPP, a women's rights app; and, of course, Facebook. Read more HERE.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Israel Is Losing Control of the Gaza Media War

The picture from Gaza seemed like so many other conflict zone photos — until you began to notice the details. The lifeless arm of a Palestinian boy cradled by an adult running across the beach. The sand studded with what looks like brush, but is really pieces of something shattered. A small child lies face down in the sand, legs jutting out at odd angles, seemingly struck dead. Read More HERE.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Weapon That Ukraine Says Shot Down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

The plane was reportedly flying at an altitude of 10 kilometers (roughly 33,000 feet) near the Ukrainian-Russian border when it went down. While it's unclear who shot the missile, it's likely that the plane was indeed taken down, experts say. Read more HERE

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Obama takes aim at firms that shift profits overseas to avoid taxes

The Obama administration called out corporate America for its growing use of a tactic to avoid paying taxes and urged lawmakers to act quickly to put a halt to the maneuver. In a sharply worded letter to key congressional tax code writers, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew pushed for legislation that would make it more difficult for U.S. companies to reorganize as foreign firms in lower-tax nations. The practice, known as inversion, enables the new company to avoid paying the high U.S. corporate tax rate on its foreign earnings. read more HERE.

U.S. Escalates Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine Crisis

The Obama administration escalated its sanctions Wednesday against Russia over the fighting in Ukraine, marking a return to confrontation with President Vladimir Putin after determining that his hints at cooperation were leading nowhere. The U.S. moves to impose restrictions on the Russian state-controlled oil giant OAO Rosneft and other top firms are aimed at squeezing Russia's already struggling economy and financial system. They followed weeks of U.S. threats that Russia would face repercussions unless it helped defuse the crisis in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russia separatists have been fighting the Ukrainian government for months. The sanctions stop well short of crimping international business ties or blocking deals with entire sectors of the Russian economy. read more HERE.